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Katharina Fritsch is a contemporary sculptor from Germany. Fritsch is renown for creating large animals works. Katharina Fritsch was born on Valentine’s Day in Essen, Germany in the year 1956.

The artist attended the Düsseldorfer Kunstakademie located in Dusseldorf, Germany.

Fritsch blends realism with imagination to create wonderful Surrealistic pieces.

The artist enjoys working with fiberglass.

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In 1995 Fritsch represented Germany at the famed Venice Biennial.

In this clip we view an exhibition by the artist:

Fritsch is based out of Düsseldorf.

The artist has works in many prestigious collections around the globe including the Museum of Modern Art located in New York City.

Katharina Fritsch is a wonderful example of modernist Surrealist sculpture. Her use of color adds a great emotional element to her work.